1. 近藤 瞭介
2. 杉原 直幸
2. 匿名希望(男性)
4. 池田 昌司
5. 匿名希望(男性)
6. 石岡 秀伸
火曜3限[1年次は理系のみ 2年次以降は全ての学部可] E317
テキスト:ジョナサン・ハイト著、高橋洋訳『社会はなぜ左と右にわかれるのか―対立を超えるための道徳心理学』(紀伊國屋書店、2014年); Jonathan Haidt, THE RIGHTEOUS MIND (2012)
- 04/11 ガイダンス
- 04/18 Where Does Morality Come From? [24-40] Moral development, rationalism and egalitarianism.
- 04/25 Domains of Morality [41-60] Social convention vs moral rules (Turiel); No trace of social conventional thinking (Shweder); Disgust and disrespect as harmless taboo violations
Class discussion revealed that Haidt's distinction between social convention and moral rules is ambiguous. We followed the categorization developed by Richard Shweder et al. (1987), where moral obligations are subdivided into universal and context-dependent.
- 05/02 From Rationalism, "Reasoning vs Emotion" Into Pattern Matching [61-87]
- 05/09 Social Intuitionist Model [88-98]
Supplemental class discussion: Moral enhancement [citalopram, oxytocin, tDCS, BMIs]
- 05/16 Social Intuitionist Model and Its Experimental Support [99-118]
- 05/30 Moralized Violence: Could Social Influence Explain Holocaust?
- 小坂井敏晶『責任という虚構』(東大出版会、2008年)
- Tage Rai & Alan Fiske, Moral Psychology Is Relationship Regulation: Moral Motives for Unity, Hierarchy, Equality, and Proportionality, 118 Psychol. Rev. 57 (2011)
- 06/06 Morality as Self-justification [129-160] Ring of Gyges; accountability and confirmatory thought; 5 experiments; confirmation bias and motivated reasoning; the worship of reason is delusion
- 06/13 Righteous mind as six taste receptors [187-209] Moral monism; Universal moral taste receptors underlying virtues; Original triggers and Current triggers
- 06/20 Moral Foundation Theory
- 06/27
- 07/04
- 07/11
- 07/18 まとめ