A Guide to Public Symposiums
eGovernance by Indigenous Peoples: |
the Right to Autonomy and Management of Natural Environmentsf
Rapid expansion of globalization has had a profound influence on the indigenous peoples of the world. There are quite a few examples of the destruction of indigenous peoplesf culture and natural resources, such as resource control by multinational corporations and the intrusion in great numbers of visitors from developed countries under the name of eeco-tourismf. However, on the other hand, widespread use of the internet has brought with it the possibility for indigenous peoples to work together and assert their common rights and values more effectively.
This symposium will focus on the state of the right to autonomy and the right to management of the natural environment for each of five indigenous peoples from around the world, and how these have been changed by globalization. Following the talks, there will be a panel discussion with comments from Hokkaido Ainu. |
Presentations: |
(Morning) 10:00-12:05; (Afternoon) 13:35-14:45 |
1. |
Isaac Bishara (Educator Youth Development, Maori, New Zealand)
"Me Kii taku ngakau - Let my heart speak." |
2. |
Marcellene Norton (Education Director for Hoopa Valley Tribe, Hupa, the United States of America)
3. |
Roger Skarvik, (student/Norweigian Labour Party, Saami, Norway)
"A decisive moment in time" |
Panel Discussion
eAutonomy of Indigenous Peoples and Management of Natural Environmentsf 15:00-17:00 |
Panelists: |
Isaac Bishara, Marcellene Norton, Roger Skarvik, Ryukichi Ogawa (Plaintiff Group Representative, Ainu Common Property Litigation), Yupo Abe (Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido) |
Co-ordinator: |
Yugo Ono (Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University) |
* The presentations and panel discussions will be given mainly in English, followed by Japanese translation.
* Overseas guest speakers may change. |
Sunday 3rd August 2003, 10:00-17:00 (open at 9:30) |
Small Auditorium (Sho-kodo), Conference Hall, Hokkaido University |
@ |
North 8 West 5 Kita-ku Sapporo (by Hokkaido University Main Gate (Seimon)) |
Hokkaido University, School of Law PHONE 011-706-3119 |
Organizer: |
The Advanced Institute for Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University; |
A Grant-in-Aid Creative Scientific Research Project funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) gComparative Research into Changes in Governance in an Age of Globalizationh |
Co-organizer: |
World Youth Camp 2003 Committee |
* After the symposium, there will be a music festival by overseas guests and The Ainu Art Project.
* 18:00-21:00 Sunday 3rd August, at Main Hall (2F), Hokkaido Christian Center (N7 W6 Kita-ku Sapporo-shi)
ADMISSION FREE (Contact IN JAPANESE: 011-831-1675 (Mr Hayasaka, The Ainu Art Project)) |
Japaniese Version