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Lecture summary .

Three lectures and a panel discussion were held on the right to autonomy and circumstances of management of natural environments, and also impacts of the globalization on these.

In the three lectures, firstly a Maori representative from New Zealand illustrated the changes of relationship with enewf immigrants, from the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 to the present with historical outlines. Similarly, a Hupa representative from the United States of America explained various attempts and their changes to conserve cultural traditions in the course of history. A Saami speaker from Norway, however, focussed on the current situations such as political activities and various rights guaranteed by laws.

The panel discussion started with the realistic comments on discrimination in daily life, and ignorance and misunderstanding towards the Ainu people. Then such and beyond experiences of each people were shared. Some comparisons were made on the control over and the restoration of the use of a language, which is an important factor of a culture, and the changing environments and their influences on the definition of a epeoplef and identity.

A range of comments and questions between the panellists and also the audience enriched the symposium substantially.

