Emeritus Professor of
Legal Philosophy, the
Graduate School of Law,
University of Hokkaido
Academic Career
Visiting Professor, Durham University Law School, UK
2020-present Visiting Fellow,
the Advanced Institute
for Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law,
University of
2019-2022 Adjunct Lecturer of Legal Philosophy, Graduate School of Law,
University of Hokkaido
2013-2022 Associate Instructor, Modern Japanese Studies Program, University of
2017-2020 Executive Director- Vice President,
Central Office, University of Hokkaido
1997-2019 Member, The Board of
Directors, The Japan
Association of Legal Philosophy
1983-2019 Professor of Philosophy of Law, School of
Law, University of Hokkaido
2007-2017 Joint Staff, Hokkaido University Center for Experimental
Research in Social Sciences
2007-2017 Joint Staff, Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies
2014-2016 Dean, School of Law, University of Hokkaido
2010-2016 Senior Fellow, Meridian 180 Project, Cornell University Law
School, USA
2011-2014 Aid of Director, President's Office, University of Hokkaido
2006-2014 Associate Member, Division of Law, The Science Council of Japan
2010 The Mori, Hamada & Matsumoto Distinguished Visitor, The Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture, Cornell University Law School, USA
2008 Visiting Professor, School of Law, Swansea University, UK
2005-2008 Chair, Academic Planning Committee, The Japan Association of Legal Philosophy
2004-2008 Director, The Advanced Institute for Law & Politics, School of Law, University of Hokkaido
2005 Visitor, Institute Suisse de Droit Comparé, Lausanne, Suisse
2002-2003 Academic Affiliate, Centre for Politics, Law & Society, University College London, UK (The Ministry of Education Overseas Research Grant)
2002 James B. MacDonald Distinguished Visiting Professor, East Asian Legal Studies Center, University of Wisconsin Law School, USA
1998 Program Visitor, Philosophy Program, Research
School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Australia
1987-1988 Visiting Researcher, New York University Law School, USA (The Fulbright Grant)
1986-1987 Research Associate, Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California, Berkeley, USA (The Fulbright Grant)
1983-1991 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hokkaido
1982 LL.D., Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
1979 LL.M., Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
1977 LL.B., Faculty of Law, University of Tohoku
Fields of Research Theories of Equality and Rights; The Concept of Law; Theory of Value; The Creolization of Law
SSRN Author Page
Ko Hasegawa at SSRN
Ongoing Works
"On Chiba Masashi's Law and Time ";
"Japanese Law and Its Culturality";
"An Outline for the
Interpretivist Conception of Law"
Main Publications
"Nexus of Validity in Global Law"
(to be published in:
Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, ed.,
The Global Community Yearbook of Int'l Law and Jurisprudence 2024,
Oxford U. P., 2025)
Paradigm・Ho Dento [Legality, Legal Paradigm, and Legal Tradition]" (to be
published shortly in: Shun Kaku et. al., eds., Hotetsugaku to iu
Kuwadate [The Project of the Philosophy of Law], Shinzansha, 2025)
"The Common Good at a Local Level in the Arctic" (to be published
shortly in: J. Laskowska, F. Nalikowski & K. Czarnecki eds.,
Innovative self-government and Green transformation – Opportunities and
Challenges, State University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek
Publishing House, Poland, 2025)
"Human Dignity as a Global Common Good" (in: Reiko Gotoh,
ed., Dignity, Freedom and Justice, Springer Verlag, 2024, Ch. 5)
Access at:
"The Possibility of the Human Right to Environment" (in: Giuliana
Ziccardi Capaldo, ed.,
The Global Community Yearbook of Int'l Law and Jurisprudence 2021,
Oxford U. P., 2022, pp. 57-89)
"The Fabric of Normative Translation in Law" (in: Helge
Dedek, ed., A Cosmopolitan Jurisprudence: Essays in memory of H. Patrick Glenn, Cambridge U. P., 2021, pp.249-266)
[original draft download]
"Ohto [Response]" (in: N. Sugawara & S. Kaku, eds., Kosei na Hou wo
Meguru Toi [Problems Concerning Law and Fairness],
Shinzansha, 2021, pp. 281-314)
"On the Modes of Confluence in Law" (in: K. Boele-Woelki,
eds., Current Issues of Comparative Law, Springer, 2019, pp.
39-48) (at:
Reason in Law" (in:M. S. Sellers ed., Law, Reason, and Emotion,
Cambridge U. P., 2017, pp. 184-2016)
"How to Deal with the Multiplicity of Law" (in: ARSP
Beiheft 152, pp. 97-104, 2017)
"Ho no Konseiteki Dato [The Hybrid Validity of Law]" (in: Takeshi
Tsunoda et. al., eds, Horiron wo Meguru Gendai teki
Shomondai [Current Problems Concerning Legal Theory], Koyo Shobo,
2016, pp. 203-211)
"The Dynamics of "Confluence" in a Legal System―Comments on H.
Patrick Glenn's Insights on Legal
Traditions" (in Transnational Legal Theory, Vol. 7: 1, 2016, pp. 1-8)
Translation in the Heterogeneity of Law"
(in: Transnational Legal Theory, Vol.
6: 3-4, 2015,
"Getting through National Responsibility toward Global Justice" (in:
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 139: Human Rights and
Justice, 2014, pp. 81-87)
"Ho no Kureoru to Hoteki Kannen no Honyaku [The Creole
of Law and the Translation of Legal Ideas]"
(in: Ko
Hasedawa, ed., Hou no Kureouru Josetsu [Introduction to the
Creole of Law], Hokkaido Univ. Press, 2012, pp. 1-32)
"How Can Law Hold
Hope in Cultural Complexity? ーCritical Comments on Prof. Annelise Riles'
of Law
and Culture" (at:,
Cornell University Law School,
2011) [download]
"21 Seiki no Ho no Gainen [The Concept of Law in the 21st Century]" (Ho
no Riron [Theory of Law], No. 30,
"Between Rights and 'Kenri'" (in: E. Cashin-Retaine, ed.,
Legal Engineering and Comparative Law, Vol. 2, Schulthess, 2009, pp.87-103)
"Incorporating Foreign Legal Ideas through Translation" (in: A. Halpin
& R. V. Roeben, eds.,
the Global Legal
Order, Hart Publishing, 2009, pp.85-106)
"Kaishaku teki Hoshiko no
Kitei [The Basis of Hermeneutic Legal Thinking] (in: Aoi & Suehisa, eds.,
Horiron tono Taiwa [Dialogues with German Legal Theory], Tohoku
University Press, 2008)
"Ho no Kureoru no Gainen wo meguru Kisoteki Kosatsu [Fundamental Considerations concerning the Concept of the Creole of Law]" (in:
Hokkaido Law Review, Vol.58-3, 2007)
"Kihan Shototsu no Kaishakugaku [Hermeneutics of Norm Conflict]" (in:
Hogaku [Jurisprudence],
Vol.69-6, 2006)
"Human Well-being and Public Provision" (in: Hokkaido Law Review, Vol.54-6,2004) [download] (Revised Version [download])
"On Prof. Will Kymlicka’s Thinking about the Rights of Indigenous People” (in:
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 96, 2004)
"The Structuration of Law and Its Working in the Japanese Legal System" (in J. Vanderlinden, eds.,
La Structure des Systèmes Juridiques, Bruylant, 2003)
Kosei no Hotetsugaku [The Legal Philosophy of Fairness] (Shinzansha, 2001)
"Legal Reasoning & Interpretation of Justice" (in: Hokkaido Law Review,
Vol.48-5, 1998) [download]
Kaishaku to Hoshikou [Interpretation and Legal Thinking] (Nihon Hyoronsha,
Kenri・Kachi・Kyodotai [Rights, Values, and Community] (Kobundo, 1991)
<To Contact> email: hasegawa[at]
[Last Updated: December, 2024]