講義・演習(2022年度) ※公式なものは北大シラバスでご確認ください。※休講情報はこちら

※ オフィスアワーは【通年】日時を指定せずメールで事前予約。
北大 オンライン授業導入ガイド(Guide for Online Lectures at Hokudai)北大SSOシステム


※ 渡部要一先生と共同

● キーワード

● 授業の目標



● 到達目標
(1) 文系・理系に跨る政策課題・テーマについて、それに携わる実務家・研究者等からの講義と質疑応答を通してその現状を理解することができる。
(2) 文理が融合する政策の立案・実施するのに必要な知識や考え方、政策課題の解決に文系・理系の知識や視座がどのように活かされていくのかを理解することができる。
(3) 文理が融合する政策の課題とその解決の方向性について、主体的かつ現実的に考えることができる。

● 授業計画



● 準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量

● 成績評価の基準と方法
・ 授業(プレゼンテーション、ディスカッション、ワークショップなど)への取組と中間・最終レポートの出来によって、総合的に成績評価を行う。授業に積極的に参加するとともに、本科目で取り上げたテーマに関する中間・最終レポートを期限までに提出することが単位取得の要件となる。
・ レポート作成に際しては、関連する論文・資料にアクセスしテーマについて深掘りするとともに、自説を明快かつ論理的に展開することが期待される。
・ 単位認定に関する評価基準は以下の通り。

● テキスト・教科書

● 講義指定図書

● 参照ホームページ

● 研究室のホームページ

● 備考
(1) 招聘するゲストスピーカー等の都合によりテーマや日程が変更となる可能性がある。また、リアルタイムのオンライン講義を活用することもあり得るので、直前の掲示等に注意すること。
(2) 本科目開講時に詳しい進行予定表を配布し、内容や授業の方法、履修のルールを説明するとともに、各回のプレゼンテーション担当者を決めるので、受講予定者は必ず出席すること。
(3) やむを得ず出席できない回がある場合は、必ず事前に申し出ること。

[English Version]

* Co-offered with Professor Dr. Yoichi Watabe

● Key Words
 STI (Science, Technology, and Innovation), public policy, policy-making, policy implementation, policy evaluation, governance, basic/standard plan, technology/risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, regulatory policy, public utility, international standardisation, infrastructure management, environmental issues

● Course Objectives
 The Hokkaido University Public Policy School (HOPS) was established in 2005 in collaboration with the law, economy, and engineering faculties. Under its founding concept of Integration of Humanities/Social-Sciences and Science/Technology, it encourages all the HOPS students to take this Case Study course before continuing to other courses. HOPS' systematic interdisciplinary approach to the science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy is unique among public policy graduate schools in Japan.

 This course allows students to form a basis for the required expertise and competence to solve public policy problems through lectures of guest practitioners and the followed workshops among students. Furthermore, it aims to provide knowledge regarding the relationship between STI and public policy from both viewpoints — STI for public policy, and vice versa.

 Students are encouraged to join this course voluntarily because it is largely related to general public policy theory and the agendas. This course aims to offer comprehensive and practical knowledge for solving all public policy problems by overcoming the chasm between the social/natural sciences and humanities, integrating their ways of thinking, and realising their synergy.

● Course Goals
(1) To be able to understand the current situation of policy issues and themes that can span the social/natural sciences and humanities, through lectures from the practitioners and the researchers concerned, Q&As, and the related discussion and workshops.
(2) To be able to acquire the knowledge and ideas that integrate the social/natural sciences and humanities, necessary for formulating and implementing public policies, and how they are utilized in solving policy issues.
(3) Be able to think independently and realistically about policy issues and their feasible solutions that integrate social/natural sciences and humanities.

● Course Schedule
 In this Case Study course, a selected policy theme that integrate social/natural sciences and humanities will be discussed in class among students in the 1st period, and the guest practitioner and researchers' lecture, Q&A session, and workshop will follow in the 2nd period. The lecture may partly take place as a HOPS seminar.

 HOPS has established an integral and coherent education/research programme to advance and deepen our interdisciplinary approach to public policy. This Case Study course is a part of it, and it has been provided in strong relation to the basic Technology Policy course.

 Students are required to participate in the programme mentioned above and continue their efforts in other courses and seminars, and their final project, the Research Paper. This programme should enable students to acquire comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and systematic expertise and competence.

★ Topics planned to be picked up (added on March 11, 2022)
 Blue carbon, carbon neutral port, offshore wind power generation, infectious disease crisis management, nudge, roadside station, tunnel and soil treatment, Arctic sea route, STI strategy, HLW management, STI diplomacy, robot and AI, railway in Hokkaido, coastal development

● Homework
 Students are required to attend all classes, understand what is lectured, and participate in critical discussions. Students may be asked to

(1) read the study material before attending class, and make classroom presentations,
(2) join the discussion in class, respond to lectures, and work hard on workshops,
(3) write mid-term/final reports so that professors can assess students' achievements.

 Students are expected to work diligently.

● Grading System
 The mid-term/final reports, participation in discussions, class presentations, and other tasks are graded as follows:

[C] students certified to have understood the current situation of the discussed policy issues,
[B] students able to explain the current policies based on the lectured and discussed framework,
[A] students able to assess and analyse the current discussed policies proficiently,
[S] students who performed the tasks mentioned above exceptionally well.

● Textbooks
 References and a reading list will be offered in class.

● Reading List
 References and a reading list will be offered in class.

● Websites

● Website of Laboratory

● Additional Information
(1) Please note that discussion themes and the schedule may change due to some reasons. Real-time online lectures may sometimes be used.
(2) The detailed schedule and other information will be offered at the beginning of the class. Students are asked to join the first meeting where each presentation will be assigned.
(3) Please be sure to inform the professor in advance in case you cannot attend a class. Anyway, students are asked to pay attention to short notices.

2.法学部「行政学」(1学期:火4・金2) ※ 文学部「政治学(行政学)」と合併

●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives

●到達目標 Course Goals
(1) 行政(学)の基礎と全体像を、その過去・現在・未来、制度・組織・活動の観点から、理論的・実践的に理解し捉えることができる。
(2) 現代日本の行政の特質を、歴史的な観点や国際比較の観点から捉えることができる。
(3) 現代行政の課題とその解決の方向性について、主体的かつ現実的に考えることができる。

●授業計画 Course Schedule




 序 章 はじめに
  (1) 行政(学)とは何か
  (2) 行政分析の方法・枠組み
  (3) 行政(学)の歴史
 第1章 制度論
  (1) 政府の仕組み
  (2) 政府間関係-国際・国内
  (3) 立法・司法等との関係
 第2章 組織論
  (1) 官僚制論・公務員制度
  (2) 行政組織・管理論
  (3) 行政改革
 第3章 活動論
  (1) 政策過程
  (2) 行政と社会の相互作用
  (3) 行政の統制と責任
 終 章 おわりに
  (1) 本講義のまとめ
  (2) 行政(学)の展望
  (3) その他


●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●講義指定図書 Reading List
現代の行政[新版] / 森田朗:第一法規, 2017, ISBN:9784474057197
新版 行政学 / 西尾勝:有斐閣, 2001, ISBN:4641049777

●参照ホームページ Websites

●備考 Additional Information
・本講義の成績評価は、学期末試験(もしくはレポート)の結果を基に行う。学期末試験は、通常の方式での実施ができない場合、今のところ、出題後48時間後を提出期限とする、諸条件付きの文章問題等とする予定。詳細は初回に案内する。質問は yuichim(at)juris.hokudai.ac.jp にて受け付ける。

[English Version]

●Key Words
・Bureaucracy, governmental system, organisation, activities, public policy

●Course Objectives
(1) To investigate the structure and functions of modern government and public administration (PA) from viewpoints of decision making, organisational management, and policy analysis, focusing on various institutions in the governmental system, administrative bureaucracy, and policy implementation mechanisms.
(2) To analyse theoretical and practical issues emerging during each policy life stage, such as agenda setting, policy designing, decision making, implementation, and assessment, and to identify factors that determine each policy’s output and outcomes.

●Course Goals
(1) To grasp the background and overview of PA (science) – based on its past, present, and future – from the perspectives of the governmental system, organisation, and activities.
(2) To construct a historical and comparative framework and thereby identify the characteristics of modern government and public administration with the purpose of relativising it.
(3) To obtain the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to work by themselves on problems and find feasible solutions.

●Course Schedule
PA science, which takes a theoretical and systematic approach to the structure and functions of modern government, consists of three factors:

(1) the governmental system, which places governmental organisations and personnel after they are delegated by the public and that forms the structural proposition for governmental activities;
(2) the governmental organisation, which acts for policy implementation; and
(3) governmental activities, which work with the public in some way.

My lectures discuss the past, present, and the future of PA (science) systematically from the above-mentioned viewpoints. The contents are planned as follows:

  Section 1. What is PA (Science)?
  Section 2. Methods and Frameworks for PA Analysis
  Section 3. History of PA (Science)
 Chapter 1. Governmental System
  Section 1. The Governmental System’s Structure
  Section 2. Inter-Governmental Relations
  Section 3. Relations with Parliament and Courts
 Chapter 2. Governmental Organisation
  Section 1. Bureaucracy and the Personnel System
  Section 2. Organisational Theory and Management
  Section 3. Administrative Reform
 Chapter 3. Governmental Activities
  Section 1. Policy Process: Life Stages
  Section 2. Interactions between Government and Society
  Section 3. Government Control and Responsibility
 Final Chapter
  Section 1. Wrap Up
  Section 2. Prospect for the Future: Beyond Governance
  Section 3. Appendix for End-of-Term Exam

I aim to provide a meaningful lecture, even for those students who major in law. This lecture can be provided in the first and second halves of the semester.

(1) Students are required to attend every class and take notes so that they may come to grasp the background and overview of PA. A reading list will be offered for their preparation and review prior to my lectures.
(2) The end-of-term exam questions whether students (a) understood my lectures, (b) are interested in PA and the related phenomena, and (c) have deepened their thinking based on the knowledge they obtained about PA theory and practice.
(3) An individual project and report on my lectures are appreciated, and they can be additionally graded.

●Grading System
(1) Grading will be based on the end-of-term examination (100%).
(2) An approximate grading system is as follows:
  [C]–[C+]: 60% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B–]–[B]: 70% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B+]–[A–]: 80% of the points above have been achieved.
  [A]–[A+]: 90% of the points above have been achieved.

My lectures are conducted based on my outline paper, which is handed out at the beginning of every class and within which the contents of various textbooks are reflected. A reference and reading list will be offered in class.

●Reading List
Morita, A. (2017). Modern Public Administration. Daiichi Houki. ISBN: 9784474057197
Nishio, M. (2001). Public Administration. Yuhikaku. ISBN: 4641049777
These are just examples of the references. Other references and a reading list will be offered in class.


●Additional Information
・This lecture might probably be offered on the Internet because of this coronavirus pandemic. Students are asked to pay attention to short notices. Students of English speakers are asked to email me, the instructor ( yuichim(at)juris.hokudai.ac.jp ), for further information.


● キーワード

● 授業の目標

● 到達目標

● 授業計画







● 準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量

● 成績評価の基準と方法

● テキスト・教科書

● 講義指定図書
・政治学のエッセンシャルズ:視点と争点 / 辻康夫・松浦正孝・宮本太郎編 : 北海道大学出版会, 2008, ISBN:9784832966918
・政治学の第一歩〔新版〕 / 砂原庸介・稗田健志・多湖淳 : 有斐閣, 2020, ISBN:9784641150782
・政治学〔補訂版〕 / 久米郁男・川出良枝・古城佳子・田中愛治・真渕勝 : 有斐閣, 2011, ISBN:9784641053779

● 参照ホームページ

● 研究室のホームページ

● 備考

[English Version]

● Key Words
 Political science, liberty, democracy, equality, public administration, bureaucracy, policy process, anarchy, international cooperation, security

● Course Objectives
 We review the basic concepts necessary to understand actual politics, explain modern politics, and acquire the knowledge necessary to participate in the politics of liberal democracy.
 Broadly, political science includes political science (political theory, comparative politics), administrative science (public administration and finance, local autonomy), international politics, political history, and history of political thought.
 We outline as many political science concepts as possible for freshers in this class, and hopefully, provide clues for subsequent discussions and individual research.

● Course Goals
(1) To understand what politics (political science) is and think independently about what we can do for politics.
(2) To understand how politics has been established and discuss its problems and panaceas.
(3) To grasp and analyse politics not only domestically but also globally.

● Course Schedule
 In this political science class for newcomers, faculty members of the Faculty of Law's Political Science Department outline political science broadly from their respective specialised fields. This lecture aims to give students the opportunity to think more thoroughly about politics and political science.

 This year, lectures will be offered by Dr Yuichi Murakami (public administration), Professor Yasuo Tsuji (political theory), and Dr Shohei Doi (international political economy). Please note that these schedules are subject to change.

(1) Dr Yuichi Murakami - ‘Let's Think about the Political and Administrative Phenomena from a Scientific Viewpoint’ (1st-5th sessions)

 I give introductory lectures aimed to connect political science/public administration studies with actual phenomena. I examine some phenomena and analyse them using the basic theories and concepts of political science and public administration studies. As an introductory lecture for newcomers, the planned topics are (a) the mechanism and operation of the cabinet system, (b) bureaucratic organisations and activities concerning democratic control, and (c) international/domestic (central/local) politics/policy processes. I recommend that students follow domestic and foreign political and administrative matters in the media before attending my lecture.

(2) Prof. Yasuo Tsuji – ‘The Origin of Crisis in Modern Developed Countries: History and Viewpoints’ (6th-10th sessions)

 Liberty, democracy, and equality are the basic and evident principles that make up today's political system. However, in political science, it is necessary to reconsider their meaning. I review these principles while taking time for group discussions from historical and contemporary perspectives. Planned topics are (a) democracy and legitimacy: from direct democracy to disobedience; (b) liberty and power: from the origin of human rights to a disciplined society; (c) modern secular nations and religions: from the emergence of secularism to Muslim issues; (d) politics and market: democracy and behaviour coordination by the market; and (e) equality: from identity society to identity politics.

(3) Dr Shohei Doi – ‘Why Does International Cooperation Become Possible in an Anarchy Society’? (11th-15th sessions)

 Unlike domestic society, modern international society is anarchical because it is not governed by a centralised government. I consider why international cooperation is possible in an anarchical society. I first introduce the establishment and characteristics of an international anarchy society and then show how cooperation is realised, with security and international political economy examples.

● Homework
(1) Students are required to attend every class and take notes so that they may come to grasp the background and overview of political science. A reading list will be offered for their preparation and review prior to our lectures.
(2) The end-of-term exam questions whether students (a) understood our lectures, (b) are interested in political science and the related phenomena, and (c) have deepened their thinking based on the knowledge they obtained about political science theory and practice.

● Grading System
 Grading will be based on the end-of-term examination (70%), and meaningful or contributing participation to the class (30%).

● Textbooks
 Reference lists will be offered in class.

● Reading List
・政治学のエッセンシャルズ:視点と争点 / 辻康夫・松浦正孝・宮本太郎編 : 北海道大学出版会, 2008, ISBN:9784832966918
・政治学の第一歩〔新版〕 / 砂原庸介・稗田健志・多湖淳 : 有斐閣, 2020, ISBN:9784641150782
・政治学〔補訂版〕 / 久米郁男・川出良枝・古城佳子・田中愛治・真渕勝 : 有斐閣, 2011, ISBN:9784641053779
No need to buy one for the first meeting. These are just examples of references. Others will be introduced in class.

● Websites

● Website of Laboratory

● Additional Information
(1) The lecture might be offered in the classroom or online (to be decided and announced later). Students must have frequent access to and check the ELMS-Moodle for further information.
(2) If you have any questions, please feel free to ask instructors or teaching assistants. Contact information will be posted on the ELMS-Moodle.


※ 矢久保考介先生・藤原志保先生ご担当のオムニバス講義(村上担当日は7月29日)

●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives

●到達目標 Course Goals

●授業計画 Course Schedule




・北海道観光未来への戦略            北海道二十一世紀総合研究所
・我が国の宇宙政策の最新動向          内閣府
・医療分野研究開発と文部科学省         文部科学省
・札幌市の上下水道行政について         札幌市
・建築・地域・環境デザインの課題・方向     北海道立総合研究機構
・農林水産政策と農林水産研究の最新動向     北海道大学特任教授
・我が国の科学技術・イノベーション政策について 内閣府
・北海道新幹線の建設技術            鉄道・運輸機構
・科学技術政策の見方を考える          東京農工大学
・日本が「科学技術立国」として「再生」するには 北海道大学公共政策大学院教授
・2050年カーボンニュートラル実現に向けて    環境省

●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●参照ホームページ Websites

●備 考
-- https://sites.google.com/elms.hokudai.ac.jp/kagiseisaku2022CEED
-- https://www.ceed.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/lecture#listA


[English Version]

※ Omnibus lecture in charge of Professor Dr. Kosuke Yakubo, and Professor Shiho Fujiwara

●Key Words
・Science and technology policy, Industrial policy and industrial technology, Agriculture policy, Information and communication policy, Medical policy, Transportation policy, Environmental policy, Space development, Marine development, Technology and innovation, Local policy

●Course Objectives
・Learn the science and technology policy of the central and local governments from lectures by professional officers.

●Course Goals
・By understanding the process to determine the science and technology policy, gain ability that you can consider the problems on science and technology around you properly.

●Course Schedule
・Professional officers from the central and local governments give lectures on their special fields.

1. Introduction to Science and Technology Policy (1 time)
・A guidance on the lecture is provided. Participants will learn basics of the promotion mechanism of science and technology policy.

2. Status and prospects of science and technology policies for solving social issues (14 times)
・Through the lectures by experts working in the Cabinet Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ministry of the Environment, local governments, etc., participants will learn science and technology policies for solving the issues in each administrative field.

・Please refer to the following web site for the contents of this course in 2022.
-- https://sites.google.com/elms.hokudai.ac.jp/kagiseisaku2022CEED
-- https://www.ceed.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/lecture#listA

・Make a brief memorandum on each topic with your opinion.

●Grading System
・Brief comment on each lecture and final essay.

・No textbook is specified and the materials used in the lectures will be given at each lecture. Students are expected to pay attention to the relationships between problem resolution in various fields and the policy of Science and Technology.


●Additional Information
・Please refer to the following website for the contents of this lecture in 2022.
-- https://sites.google.com/elms.hokudai.ac.jp/kagiseisaku2022CEED
-- https://www.ceed.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/lecture#listA


●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives

●到達目標 Course Goals
(1) 最近の行政学研究の動向を学習するとともに、検討すべき論点を抽出し、ディスカッションをすることができる。
(2) 先行研究の内容や方法を参考にしつつ、独自の行政学の調査・研究に取り組むことができる。
(3) 自分の調査・研究の成果を論文にまとめ、表現することができる。

●授業計画 Course Schedule
(1) 本演習では、まず、行政学研究の最新動向を把握するのに適した論文を輪読する。採り上げる論文の候補として、

Public Administration Reviewhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1540-6210
Public Administrationhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-9299
Policy Scienceshttp://link.springer.com/journal/11077
Journal of Policy Analysis and Managementhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pam.2015.34.issue-1/issuetoc
Public Management Reviewhttp://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rpxm20/current#.VI6aCmcfqUk
Regulation & Governancehttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1748-5991


(2) その上で、受講者が、各論文の内容を参考にしつつ独自の行政学研究に取り組む。研究の内容は、担当した論文の内容に関する発展的考察でも、関連する研究論文の論評でも、関係する行政現象の事例研究でも、基本的には受講者の自由な発想に任せたい。担当教員からは、テーマの設定や関連する文献の提案、研究の方向付け等、可能な限りのサポートをしたい。

(3) 最終的には各自の研究の成果を10,000字程度の論文にまとめ、期限内に提出することを求める。本演習を通して、行政学の知見のみならず、自ら課題を発見してディスカッションし、自ら研究しその成果を表現する能力を会得できよう。

●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●講義指定図書 Reading List

●参照ホームページ Websites

●備 考

[English Version]

●Key Words
・Bureaucracy, governmental system, organisation, activities, public policy

●Course Objectives
・To find and read recent distinguished studies on public administration and public policy, discuss them critically in class, and then work on respective independent research projects.

●Course Goals
(1) To read recent studies on public administration and public policy, determine theoretical and practical issues to be discussed, and examine them critically in class.
(2) To undertake an independent research project, referring to the results and methodologies of other previous research.
(3) To write a thesis based on the results of the research project, and make a presentation in class to improve it.

●Course Schedule
(1) Participants are required firstly to read recent books or peer-reviewed papers on public administration and public policy. Texts (written mainly in English) are to be recommended by the professor on the first day. In the first half of a class, a coordinator, or participant in charge, summarises the text and introduces some related literature. Participants then discuss theoretical and practical issues provided by the coordinator critically and productively in the latter half.

(2) Participants secondly work on their own research projects, referring to the results and methodologies of other previous studies. Any project themes are appreciated: such as the further investigation of discussed texts, productive reviews of related literature, or theoretical analysis of actual cases and phenomena. The professor is able to provide as much support as possible as to agenda-setting, related literature, research direction and so on.

(3) Participants are ultimately required to write a short thesis based on the results of their projects, and send it to the professor before the announced deadline. This exercise will help participants to acquire basic knowledge of public administration and public policy, and to find out important theoretical issues, investigate them and present their findings to others effectively.

・Participants are asked (1) to summarise an assigned text and provide agendas to be discussed in class, (2) to participate in each discussion, and (3) to do research on their own independent project and write a short thesis. The accompanying preparations and reviews are necessary.

●Grading System
(1) Grading will be based on (a) discussion coordination (30%), (b) class participation (40%), and (c) writing assignment (30%).
(2) An approximate grading system is as follows:
  [C]–[C+]: 60% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B–]–[B]: 70% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B+]–[A–]: 80% of the points above have been achieved.
  [A]–[A+]: 90% of the points above have been achieved.

・References and a reading list will be offered in class.

●Reading List
・References and a reading list will be offered in class.

●Website of Laboratory

●Additional Information
・Those who want to join this course are asked to email me, the professor ( yuichim(at)juris.hokudai.ac.jp ), with your information on the research interest, well before it starts, for further information.


※ 渡部要一先生・土井翔平先生と共同

●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives



●到達目標 Course Goals

●授業計画 Course Schedule




●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework



●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

① 本講義の内容を理解している・・・可
② ①について、具体的事例にあてはめて一応の説明ができる・・・良
③ ②について、的確なテクノロジー・アセスメント、政策分析ができる・・・優
④ ③について、特に優れた成果が認められる・・・秀

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●講義指定図書 Reading List

●参照ホームページ Websites

●研究室のホームページ Websites

●備考 Additional Information

[English Version]

* Co-offered with Professor Dr. Yoichi Watabe and Dr. Shohei Doi

●Key Words
 STI (Science, Technology, and Innovation), public policy, policy-making, policy implementation, policy evaluation, governance, basic/standard plan, technology/risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, regulatory policy, public utility, international standardisation, infrastructure management, arms race, environmental issues, intellectual property rights, artificial intelligence, deep learning

●Course Objectives
 The Hokkaido University Public Policy School (HOPS) was established in 2005 in collaboration with the law, economy, and engineering faculties. Under its founding concept of Integration of Humanities/Social-Sciences and Science/Technology, it encourages all newcomers to take the Technology Policy course before continuing to other applied courses. HOPS' systematic interdisciplinary approach to the science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy is unique among public policy graduate schools in Japan.

 This course instructs students from various backgrounds to form a basis for the required expertise and competence to solve public policy problems. Furthermore, it aims to provide knowledge regarding the relationship between STI and public policy from both viewpoints — STI for public policy, and vice versa.

 Although the course is formally only compulsory for students from the public management and international policy courses, other students are also encouraged to join voluntarily because the course commences with a lecture on general public policy theory and the agendas. This course aims to offer comprehensive and practical knowledge for solving all public policy problems by overcoming the chasm between the arts and science disciplines, integrating their ways of thinking, and realising their synergy.

●Course Goals
 This course consists of two parts. The first part — public policy for STI — discusses what kind of public policy and regulations exist to develop and evolve a sustainable STI and what it should be. The second part — STI for public policy — discusses how STI functions and contributes to society and how it is utilised to solve social problems and public policy. Through this course, students would obtain comprehensive and systematic expertise, knowledge, and competence, thus forming the foundation for solving public policy problems through interdisciplinary thinking.

●Course Schedule
 As an introduction to the course, the general theory of STI and public policy outline, or the framework mentioned above — public policy for STI and STI for public policy — will be lectured. Participants will also exchange opinions for lectures or after watching audio-visual materials on themes such as the structure, institutions, and the history of STI governance, factors that influence STI policy-making, and societal/political transitions provoked by STI.

 Subsequently, the course will proceed to specific agendas or case studies concerning STI and public policy. The following subjects will be discussed: infrastructure development in relation to public policy, the intertwining STI and international security, the political economy of environmental issues and intellectual property rights, and the social impact of the newly emerging information technology and artificial intelligence (the detailed schedule is to be announced on the first day of the course).

 HOPS has established an integral and coherent education/research programme to advance and deepen our interdisciplinary approach to public policy. It constitutes and promotes the Technology Policy course beyond the classroom lecture.

 Students are required to participate in the programme mentioned above and continue their efforts in other courses and seminars such as the Public Management Special Lecture, various Policy Case Studies, and their final project, the Research Paper. This programme should enable students to acquire comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and systematic expertise and competence.

 Students are required to attend all classes, understand what is lectured, and participate in critical discussions. Students may be asked to

(1) read the study material before attending class,
(2) respond to lectures and make classroom presentations, or
(3) write mid-term/final reports so that professors can assess students' understanding of lectures.

Students are expected to work diligently.

●Grading System
 The mid-term/final reports, participation in discussions, class presentations, and other tasks are graded as follows:

[C] students certified to have understood the lecture,
[B] students able to explain the current STI policy based on the lectured framework,
[A] students able to assess and analyse the current STI policy proficiently,
[S] students who performed the tasks mentioned above exceptionally well.

 References and a reading list will be offered in class.

●Reading List
 References and a reading list will be offered in class.

HOPS Reserch Project

●Website of Laboratory

●研究室のホームページ Websites

●Additional Information
 Students are asked to pay attention to short notices because this course might be offered online according to the coronavirus pandemic.


●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives

●到達目標 Course Goals
(1) 様々な観点から書かれた行政学の研究論文を読み、検討すべき論点を抽出し、ディスカッションをすることができる。
(2) 先行研究の内容や方法を参考にしつつ、独自の行政学の調査・研究に取り組むことができる。
(3) 自分の調査・研究の成果を論文にまとめ、表現することができる。

●授業計画 Course Schedule
(1) 本演習では、まず、様々な観点から書かれた行政学や政治学に関する文献を輪読する。演習では、前半で担当者が文献の要旨や参考文献との関係等について説明した上で論点を提示し、後半でそれに関して受講者全員でディスカッションをする。

(2) その上で、受講者が、各章の内容を参考にしつつ独自の行政学研究に取り組む。研究の内容は、担当した章の内容に関する発展的考察でも、関連する研究論文の論評でも、関係する行政現象の事例研究でも、基本的には受講者の自由な発想に任せたい。担当教員からは、テーマの設定や関連する文献の提案、研究の方向付け等、可能な限りのサポートをしたい。

(3) 最終的には各自の研究の成果をA4紙3枚程度の論文にまとめ、期限内に提出することを求める。本演習を通して、行政学の知見のみならず、自ら課題を発見してディスカッションし、自ら研究しその成果を表現する能力を会得できよう。

●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●参照ホームページ Websites

●備 考

[English Version]

●Key Words
・Bureaucracy, governmental system, organisation, activities, public policy

●Course Objectives
・To find and read recent distinguished studies on public administration and public policy, discuss them critically in class, and then work on respective independent research projects.

●Course Goals
(1) To read recent studies on public administration and public policy, determine theoretical and practical issues to be discussed, and examine them critically in class.
(2) To undertake an independent research project, referring to the results and methodologies of other previous research.
(3) To write a thesis based on the results of the research project, and make a presentation in class to improve it.

●Course Schedule
(1) Participants are required firstly to read recent books or peer-reviewed papers on public administration and public policy. Texts (written mainly in Japanese) are to be recommended by the professor on the first day. In the first half of a class, a coordinator, or participant in charge, summarises the text and introduces some related literature. Participants then discuss theoretical and practical issues provided by the coordinator critically and productively in the latter half.

(2) Participants secondly work on their own research projects, referring to the results and methodologies of other previous studies. Any project themes are appreciated: such as the further investigation of discussed texts, productive reviews of related literature, or theoretical analysis of actual cases and phenomena. The professor is able to provide as much support as possible as to agenda-setting, related literature, research direction and so on.

(3) Participants are ultimately required to write a short thesis based on the results of their projects, and send it to the professor before the announced deadline. This exercise will help participants to acquire basic knowledge of public administration and public policy, and to find out important theoretical issues, investigate them and present their findings to others effectively.

・Participants are asked (1) to summarise an assigned text and provide agendas to be discussed in class, (2) to participate in each discussion, and (3) to do research on their own independent project and write a short thesis. The accompanying preparations and reviews are necessary.

●Grading System
(1) Grading will be based on (a) discussion coordination (30%), (b) class participation (40%), and (c) writing assignment (30%).
(2) An approximate grading system is as follows:
  [C]–[C+]: 60% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B–]–[B]: 70% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B+]–[A–]: 80% of the points above have been achieved.
  [A]–[A+]: 90% of the points above have been achieved.

・Texts (written mainly in Japanese) are to be recommended by the professor on the first day of class.

●Reference Websites

●Additional Information
(1) ELMS will be used to share related materials to the class.
(2) Be sure to tell the professor in advance when you have to be absent from class.
(3) Students are asked to pay attention to short notices because this course might be offered online according to the coronavirus pandemic.



