Research Outline
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Research Outline

yOutline of surveyz

Since the 1990s, economic globalization has been putting burden on politico-economic system in advanced countries through enhancement of competition. Roughly speaking, there are two way of coping with these issues, one is American style small government approach, and the other is European model based upon the value of equity and equality. Sharing the latter idea, this research aims at supporting decent human lives and viable community in the trend of global capitalism, and tries to investigate the following questions, 1 sustainable public policy, 2 innovations of such important values as equality, solidarity and fairness, 3 innovation of political and administrative regime which is capable of fulfilling public policy.

In west European countries, some distinguished scholars are proposing ideas for revitalizing democracy (for example, post-democracy by Colin Crouch and associative democracy by Paul Hirst). This project tries to make contribution to this intellectual trend from Japan.

yExpected resultsz

Advanced democratic countries are facing various problems, such as collapse of solidarity, social exclusion, and increase of risk in daily lives. Also, globalization has brought about poverty and environmental crisis. However, individuals who become atomized and lose political motivation yearn for temporary order instead of real solution. They find integration by symbol and violence attractive. Here appears a paradox that deprived people give acclamation to leaders who implement policies that make the matter worse. This project tries to overcome this crisis of democracy or post-democratic situation by the idea of civil social democracy.

yReferences by the principal researcherz

  • Britain in the Age of Tony Blair, Iwanami Shoten, 2005
  • Challenge for Civil Social Democracy, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2005
  • Post Welfare State and Social Governance, Minerva Shobo, 2005
  • Collapse of the Post War Politics, Iwanami Shoten, 2004
  • Alternative to Post-Postwar Democracy, Iwanami, 2007
  • Cabinet System, University of Tokyo Press, 2007