Birth Date
Hokkaido University |
Graduate School of Law |
Lecturer |
Current Specialization
Modern History, Social Theory |
October 2002 to present
Work on the following projects as a Research Fellow and then Lecturer in the Graduate School of Law at Hokkaido University: |
・The development of Japanese sociology from 1919-1952 |
・Japanese pan-Asianism in the era of imperialism in the twentieth century |
September 1993-September 2002
I worked on the following projects in the History Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: |
・A comparative investigation into Japanese sociology as intellectual history |
・A comparative study of imperialist and anti-imperialist ideologies and movements in Japan, America, Europe and North-east Asia at the turn of the twentieth century |
・A re-evaluation of classical sociological theory |
・The politics of memory in twentieth-century Asian history |
Doctoral Dissertation |
Takata Yasuma and the Antinomies of Sociological Reason in Japan, 1906-1946
Cornell University, Department of History |
Articles |
‘Scandals of Imperialism: The Discourse on Boxer War Loot in the Japanese Public Sphere.’ Robert Bickers (ed.) 1900: The Boxers, China, and the World. Rowman & Littlefield, forthcoming 2003. |
‘Shakai Minshuto kessei 100-nen go no Kotoku Shusui’ (Kotoku Shusui 100 Years after the Founding of the Social Democratic Party), Shoki shakaishugi kenkyu (Early Japanese Socialism Studies) (13) 2001: 46-50 |
‘Kotoku Shusui to teikokushugi e no kongenteki hihan’ (Kotoku Shusui and the Radical Critique of Imperialism), tr. Umemori Naoyuki. Shoki shakaishugi kenkyu (Early Japanese Socialism Studies). (12) 1999: 134-93 |
Japans Neue Linke: Soziale Bewegung und ausserparlamentarische Opposition, 1957-1994. By Claudia Derichs. Monumenta Nipponica (53:1) 1998: 144-47 (Review in English of a German book) |
Translations |
Iwasaki Minoru. ‘A National Story in Order to Forget: Rethinking the Story Behind Theories of Narrative History,’ Globalization and Nationalism in Asia, Institute of South Asia Studies, forthcoming 2003. (with Setsu Shigematsu) |
Miyajima Takashi. ‘Studies in Western Europe--On Minorities, Immigrants and Change’, International Journal of Japanese Sociology. 6:1997: 23-8 |
Other Work in Progress |
Monograph and translation: Kotoku Shusui and the Problem of Imperialism in Late Meiji Japan, 1894-1911.
Kotoku Shusui (1871-1911) was arguably the most important journalist and radical political theorist of the late Meiji period. I have made an annotated translation of Kotoku’s Imperialism: the spectre of the twentieth century (1901) and am completing a 5-chapter monograph on anti-imperialist politics in Japan. |
