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ANDERSEN, Joergen, Goul
Born in 1953. Professor of Political Sociology at Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University (1995-). Director of Centre for Comparative Welfare State Studies, Aalborg University. Studies in political science, history and economics, Aarhus University, Denmark (1972-1977). M.Sc. (political science), Aarhus University (1977). His main research interests are: a)welfare state, b) political behaviour, c)democracy and political power. Member of the DEMOS group, Aalborg University.
Main works: Europefs New State of Welfare. Unemployment, Employment Policies and Citizenship (co-eds.), Policy Press, 2002; Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship (co-eds.), Policy Press, 2002; Democracy and Citizenship in Scandinavia (co-author), Palgrave, 2001, and others.
GRIMES, Alistair
Born in 1951. Chief Executive of Community Enterprise in Strathclyde(CEiS), the largest development organisation working with the social economy in Scotland. Degrees in History from St Andrews University, Politics from Durham, Business (MBA) and Philosophy (PhD) from Edinburgh University. Funding Controller with the Wise Group 1988-1997. Previously with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Lothian Regional Council, Age Concern and Dun & Bradstreet. Board member: Communities Scotland, Strathclyde European Partnership.
Main works: From Welfare to Work: Lessons from America (commentaries), IEA Health and Welfare Unit, 1997; Scottish Council of Social Service, 1981; Unemployment: a modest proposal, 1995, Employment Policy Institute, and others.
Born in 1952. President of the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), a center for policy innovation in Washington, D.C. Established in 1989, PPIfs mission is to modernize progressive politics and government for the Information Age. Called "Bill Clinton's idea mill,"PPI's research and proposals are the source for many of the"NEW Democrat" themes that have figured prominently in national politics in the 1990s.
He is a 1975 graduate of the University of Virginia.
Main works: Building the Bridge: 10 Big Idea to Transform America (ed.), Roman & Littlefield, 1997; Mandate for Change (co-eds.), Berkley Books, 1992, PPI's best-selling policy blueprint for President Clinton's first term. Replacing Welfare with Work, 1994, War Powers in a New Security Era, 1990, and others.
Born in 1943. Professor of Political Science, University of Dortmund Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Director of Gustav-Heinemann-Academy FES, Head of a Division in the FES, Lecturer later Professor of Political Science University of Siegen since 1976; Since 1995 full Professor of Political Science, University of Dortmund. Main works: Der Zwiespalt in der Marxschen Emanzipationstheorie, Frankfurt, 1973; Die Transformation der Sozialdemokratie, Bonn, 1998; Identity Mania. The Politicization of Cultural Difference, London, 2001, Zed Books; Soziale Demokratie und Glabalisiserung, Bonn, 2001; Media Democracy: How the Media Colonize Politics, Polity Press, 2002.
Born in 1943, in Esbjerg, Denmark. Former Prime Minister of Denmark. MSc (Economics). Economic adviser of the Danish Federation of Trade Unions (LO) at the Danish Federation of Trade Unions 1971-86. Head economic adviser of the Danish Federation of Trade Unions (LO) 1980-86. Director of the Employeesf Capital Pension Fund 1986-88. Vice-chairman of the Social Democratic Party 1987-92. Member of the Folketing for the Ringkoebing County constituency from 10 May 1988. Chairman of the Social Democratic Party from April 1992 to December 2002. Prime Minister for the Social Democratic lead Government from January 1993 to November 2001. Rapporteur on globalization for the PES (The Party of European Socialists) from May 2002 gEurope and a New Global Orderh.
Born in Cairo and educated in Paris, Milan, and London. He is Professor of Comparative European History at Queen Mary, University of London.
Main works: One Hundred Years of Socialism: the West European Left in the Twentieth Century, W W Norton & Co, 1997; Looking Left (ed.), I. B. Tauris, 1997 (also available in Japanese), Mona Lisa, Harper Collins, 2002, and others.
Professor of Political Science. Former director at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany. Study of Law and Political Science at the Universities of Tuebingen and Freiburg i.Br(1954-1959). Yale Law School, Master of Law (LL.M)(1961). Second State Exam in Law, Dr. iur., University of Freiburg (1964). Johan-Skytte-Prize in Political Science, University of Uppsala (2000). Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence (1995, 1999).
Main works: Welfare and Work in the Open Economy (co-eds.), Vol. 1, 2, Oxoford, 2000; Governing in Europe: Effective and Democratic? Oxford,1999; Crisis and Choice in European Social Democracy, Cornell, 1991, and others.
SHAW, Eric
Senior Lecturer at Stirling University. Prior to entering academic life, he worked as a researcher for the Labour Party. His chief research interests are the British Labour Party and European social democracy. He is at present engaged in a study of New Labour and the Blair Government.
Main works: Discipline and Dissent in the Labour Party 1951-1986, Manchester, 1988; The Labour Party Since 1979: Crisis and Transformation, Routledge, 1994; The Labour Party Since 1945, Blackwell, 1996, and others. More recently he has written extensively on all aspects of the British Labour Party in numerous articles and edited volumes.
STRYJAN, Yohanan
Professor of Soedertoern University College. Ph.D. from Uppsala University with the work of Impossible Organization in 1987. Social Economics and Social Enterprise. Research on the organization of Kibbutz in Israel throughout the 1970fs, Researcher of Swedish Center for Working Life Research from 1981, Project Leader of Stockholm School of Business from 1987, Associate Professor of Soedertoern University College from 1997, current position since 2000.
Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Uppsala University(2001-). Ph.D. (1994) and Senior Lecturer (2001)at Uppsala University. From 1999 he is also a researcher in gThe Swedish Model in Transitionh, a joint research program between Uppsala University and the National Institute for Working Life (ALI) at the University of Uppsala. He previously joined research projects, such as Politics of Crisis, a joint research program between JPSA and ECPR.
Main Works: Socialdemocratic Dominance. A Study of the Swedish Social Democratic Partystrategy [both English and Swedish editions]. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1994 (Diss.); The Marketisation of the Swedish Model [ both English and Swedish editions ]. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2001; Power, Trust and Deliberation in Swedish Labour Market Politics. Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol.23, No. 4, 2002.
TAYLOR, Marilyn
Professor of Urban Governance and Regeneration, the faculty of the Built Environment, and Director of Cities Research Centre at University of the West of England. Former professor of Social Policy, University of Brighton. A member of Executive Board of International Society for Third Sector Research, Chair of Urban Forum in U.K., and a member of Advisory Group of the Active Community Unit in the Home Office.
Main works: Public Policy in the Community, Palgrave, 2003; Top Down Meets Bottom Up: neighbourhood management, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2000; Partnership Working: policy and practice (co-author), Policy Press, 2001, and others.
WANG, Chang-jiang
Born in 1956. Professor of Central Party School of CPC (1985-). Director of Center of the Comparative Study on Political Parties. B.A. (1982) and Master (1985) of Political Science; Peking University. Visiting scholar of Moscow University (1989-1990). He has been engaging in the comparative study on political parties and the party building of CPC, known as a specialist on the field of party building in China. He participated in revising the Party Constitution of the 14th Congress of CPC in 1992.
Main works: Comparative Study on the Patterns of Parties in Power, 2002; CPSU: a fall of a giant party, 2002; A comparative study of the political parties world wide, 1996; Partiesf crisis: a research in the mechanism of the partiesf activity abroad, 1996, and others.
UZUHASHI, Takahumi
Born in 1951. Professor of Social Policy, Japan Womenfs University. Ph.D of Economics.
Former professor of Faculty of Economics, Osaka Sangyo University. Visiting Researcher, Department of Social Policy, University of York 1993-1994. Overseas Editorial Adviser for Journal of Social Policy, 1995-2000.
Main works: International Comparison of the Modern Welfare States, 1997; The Welfare State in Comparative Perspectives, 2003.
Born in 1953. Professor, Institute of Social Science (ISS) at University of Tokyo. Doctor of Economics. 1985-88 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University; 1988-98 Associate Professor, ISS, University of Tokyo; 1988 Professor, ISS, University of Tokyo; 1992-93 Guest Professor of Free University of Berlin.
Main Works: A History of Social Policy in Modern Britain: From Poor Law to the Welfare State, 1986; Beyond Corporate-Centered Society; A Gender Analysis of Contemporary Japan, 1993; Women and the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society, 2000.
OGAWA, Ariyoshi
Born in 1964. Professor of College of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University. Graduated from College of Arts and Sciences in 1987. Acquired sufficient credits for the Doctoral Course at Graduate School of Law, University of Tokyo in 1992. European Comparative Politics, Research on EU, Scandinavian Politics. Assistant, later Associate Professor of Faculty of Law and Economics, Chiba University from 1992, Visiting Researcher at Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, 1997-1999, current position since April 2003. Main Works: EU Countries (co-eds), Jiyukokuminsha, 1999; Globalization and policy alternative for national economies (co-author), Tokyo University Press, 2001; Access Comparative Politics (co-author), Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2001.
OGAWA, Masahiro
Born in 1944, in Fukuoka. Director, Economic Policy Institute for Quality Life (Seikatsu-ken). Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University in 1967.
General Council of Trade Unions of Japaniin charge of social policy and international policy) 1968-89, Policy Board of the Social Democratic Party of Japan (in charge of social policy and fiscal policy) 1989-96, current position since 1997. Main Works: Contemporary Capitalism (co-author); State Monopoly Capitalism (co-author); Citizen-oriented Structural Reform (co-author); Multiple eThird Waysf (translation).
KANEKO, Masaru
Born in 1952. Professor of Faculty of Economics, Keio University. Ph. D. of Economics.
Assistant at Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo from 1980, lecturer of Faculty of Humanities, Ibaraki University from 1984, Associate Professor, later Professor of Faculty of Economics, Hosei University from 1988, current position since October 2000.
Main Works: Markets, ownership, and the political economy of institutions, Tokyo University Press, 1997; Anti-economics: the limits of market-oriented liberalism, Shinshokan, 1999; Anti-globalism: strategic thoughts for market revolution, Iwanami, 1999; Globalization and the responsibility for the wars (co-author), Iwanami, 2001.
KAN, Sang-jung
Born in 1950 in Kumamoto. Prof of Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, University of Tokyo. Politics and History of Political Thoughts. Completed the Doctoral Course of Graduate School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. Studied at Neurnberg University in Germany in 1978-81, Lecturer at Meiji University, Assistant Professor, later Associate Professor of International Christian University, Associate Professor of University of Tokyo from December 1996, current position since April 1998. Main Works: Two post-war eras and Japan: the post-war 50 year, questioned from Asia, Sanichi Shobou, 1995; Nationalism, Iwanami, 2001.
Born in 1959. Prof. of Faculty of Social Sciences, Waseda University. Political Sciense, Labour Politics. Main Works: Labor Movement in the end of the Century, Iwanami, 1989; Visions and strategy of Japan in the year 2025 (co-author), Iwanami, 2000.
SHINKAWA, Toshimitsu
Born in 1956. Prof. of Political Science, School of Law, Kyoto University. Ph. D. in Political Science (University of Toronto). Associate Professor later Professor of Department of Law of Niigata University; Professor of Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University from 1995.;@current position since 2003.
Main Works: Failed Reform and Policy Changes of the Social Democratic Party of Japan (in Hideo Otake ed., Power Shuffles); Policy Processes : Coalition Government in Japan in the 1990s, JCIE.
Born in 1948. Prof., Department of Household Economics, Japan Womenfs University.
Ph. D. in Social Science (Frankfurt Univ.)
Research Associate, Ritsumeikan Univ .; Associate Prof. later Prof., Dept. of Household Economics, Japan Womenfs Univ. Main Works: Economic Integration of EC and Change of European Politics (editor); Work and Living for 21st Century (ed.); Globalisation and Innovation of Politics (ed.).
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Tokyo. Completed the Doctor Course, Graduate School Division of Sociology, University of Tokyo in March, 1984.
Research Staff, The Social Development Research Institute 1982-87, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Chuo University, Tokyo. 1987-89, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Chuo University 1989-93, current position since 1993. Main Works: Community planning and residentsf lives, Chuo University Press, 1992; Welfare state and civil society, Horitsu Bunkasha, 1992; Social policy in welfare society, Horitsu Bunkasha, 1999; Welfare state and welfare society: challenges for social policy, Tokyo University Press, 1999; Welfare society and social policy, Yuhikaku, 2001.
Born in 1948. Prof. of Faculty of Social Sciences, Waseda University. Doctor of Law. Comparative Politics. Main Works: New Social Movement and Greens, Kyushu University Press, 1989; Visions and Strategy of Japan in the year 2025 (coauthor), Iwanami, 2000; Making New Public Space: Civic Activities in Japan (editor), Nippon Hyoronsha, 2003.
TANG, Liang
Born in 1963. Associate Professor of Department of International Relations, Yokohama City University. Ph. D of Political Science.
Lecture, later Associate Professor of Matsusaka University since 1993, current position since 1999. Main Works: Party-Government Relationship in Communist China, Keio University Press, 1997; Transformation of Politics and Society in the Post-Mao China, Tokyo University Press, 2001, Award for the 18th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize in 2002.
Born in 1948. Prof. of Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University. Graduated from Faculty of Science and Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. International Politics. Assistant at Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo from 1974, Associate Professor, later Professor at Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University from 1977. Various overseas research activities include those at Research Center for Developing Societies, India, Stanford University, U.S.A., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Oxford University, U.K., Cambridge University. Main Works: eEmpire and democracyf in Yoshikazu Sakata (ed.) The structure change of world politics: 1 world order (pp.183-243), 1994; International politics (co-editor), 1984; The de-mythicization of European unification (co-editor), 1994.
NOMURA, Masami
Born in 1948. Prof. of Graduate School of Economics, Tohoku Univ. Doctor of Economics, from 1990 to 1995. Prof. of Department of Economics, Okayama Univ.; since 1995 Prof. of Department of Economics, Tohoku Univ. Main Works: The Industrial Relations in the German Coal-mining Industry 1860-1923, 1980; Life-time Employment, 1994; The Resilience of Corporate Japan, 1997; Total employment, 1998; Critics on the Theory of Intelligent Skill, 2001.
Born in 1948. Prof. of Faculty of Social Sciences, Waseda University. President of Institute of International Welfare, Waseda University. Social Security Law. Main Works: The History of Forming Social Medical Service in France, Kyushu University Press, 1991. Comparative Welfare, Waseda University Press, 2001.
Born in 1958. Prof. of Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University. Ph. D of Political Science. Associate Prof. of Political Science, Dept. of Law, Ritsumeikan University; Associate Prof. of Political Science, School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University 1994-2000; Prof. of Political Science, School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, Visiting Researcher, The Swedish Center for Working Life Research (Stockholm) 1993, 1998; current position since October 2002. Main Works: Sweden Handbook (co-editor), 1997; Comparative Welfare State, 1997; Welfare State as a Strategy, 1999.
YAGI, Kiichiro
Born in 1947. Prof. of Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University. Graduated from Graduate School of Nagoya University.
Associate Professor of Faculty of Economics, Okayama University from 1980, current position since 1989. Main Works: Studies in the History of Austrian Economic Thought, University of
Nagoya Press, 1988; Social Economics of Modern Japan, Chikuma Shobou, 1999, Competition, Trust, and Cooperation (co-editor), Springer, 2000.
Born in 1958. Prof. of Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University
Research Fellow of the University of Tokyo 1981-84; Associate Professor of Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University 1984-93; Professor of Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University since 1993. Main Works: Investigation on the Coalition Politics, 1997; Comparison on British and Japanese Politics, 1998; Political Change in Contemporary Japan, 1999; Condition of Resurgence of Japanese Politics, 2001; Local Governance in the Age of Globalization (co-author), 2003.