to Globalization & Governance







¡Japanese Version

¡Globalization &

Tokyo Sessions, @ Waseda University
Globalization and Multilateralism
- Dialogue toward Progressive Politics from across East Asia, Europe, and USA
October 11 (Sat) Waseda University,International Conference Center, Masaru Ibuka Auditorium
10:15-10:30 Opening Speech:
Junichi HISATSUKA, Prof., Director, International Welfare Institute, Waseda University, Japan
10:30-11:30 Key Note Speeches:
Poul Nyrup RASMUSSEN, former Prime Minister of Denmark, Denmark
"Globalisation and Multilateralism- A new linkage-"
Jiro YAMAGUCHI, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
"The Meaning of ethe Socialf in Japanese Reform"
11:30-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-17:00 Symposium:

Globalization and Multilateralism - Dialogue toward Progressive Politics from across East Asia, Europe, and USA

Co-chaires: Thomas MEYER, Prof., Dortmund University, Germany
Minoru TSUBOGO, Prof., Waseda University, Japan
Panelists: Poul Nyrup RASMUSSEN, former Prime Minister of Denmark, Denmark
Will MARSHALL, President, Progressive Policy Institute [PPI], USA
Fritz W. SCHARPF, Prof., Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany
WANG Chang-jiang, Prof., Central Party School of CPC, PRChina
Masaru KANEKO, Prof., Keio University, Japan
KAN Sang-jung, Prof., Tokyo University, Japan
15:00-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-17:00 Symposium
17:30 Reception (Waseda University,International Conference Hall, 3F, No. 1 Conference Hall)
October 12 (Sun) Waseda University,International Conference Center, Masaru Ibuka Auditorium
9:30-12:30 Session I:
Reconstruction of American Liberalism and East Asian Politics
Chair: Toshimitsu SHINKAWA, Prof., Kyoto University, Japan
Presentations: Toru SHINODA, Prof., Waseda University, Japan
"Toward Social Movement Unionism? A perspective of transpacific labor movement."
WANG Chang-jiang, Prof., Central Party School of CPC, PRChina
"What about the CPCfs Improvement?"
Discussants: Will MARSHALL, President, Progressive Policy Institute [PPI], USA
TANG Liang, Prof., Yokohama City University; PRChina
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-17:00 Session II:
Reflection on Social Democracy in 20th Century and its Future
Chair: Masahiro OGAWA, Director, Economic Policy Institute for Quality Life, Japan
Presentations: Donald SASSOON, Prof., London University, UK
"Socialism in the Twentieth Century: a historical reflection"
Thomas MEYER, Prof., Dortmund University, Germany
"Social Democracy in the 20th Century and its Future"
Kiichiro YAGI, Prof., Kyoto University, Japan
Discussants: Toshimitsu SHINKAWA, Prof., Kyoto University, Japan
Sapporo Sessions, @Hokkaido University
Social Governance in a Global Era - Beyond 20th Century Social-Democracy
October 14 (Tue) Hokkaido University, Centennial Hall
9:20-9:40 Introduction:
Jiro YAMAGUCHI, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
9:40-12:40 Session I:
How has Globalization Changed Social-Democracy?
Chair: Kenichi NAKAMURA, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
Presentations: Thomas MEYER, Prof., Dortmund University, Germany
"Social Democracy in the 20th Century and its Future"
Hiroki SUMIZAWA, Prof., Japan Womenfs University, Japan
"The 2005 Regime -Toward Regime Transition in Japan and a new Agenda for Progressive Governance-"
Discussant: Ariyoshi OGAWA, Prof., Rikkyo University, Japan
12:40-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-17:00 Session II:
A New Welfare-State? Social Exclusion and Social Inclusion
Chair: Mari OSAWA, Prof., Tokyo University, Japan
Presentations: Eric SHAW, Senior Lecturer, University of Stirling, UK
"The Blair Government, Labour Market Flexibility and the Social Democratic Project in Britain"
Joergen Goul ANDERSEN, Prof., Aalborg University, Denmark
"Citizenship Politics:Activation, Welfare and Employment in Denmark"
Taro MIYAMOTO, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
"Strategies for Social Inclusion: Activation, Workfare and Basic Income "
Discussants: Alistair GRIMES, Chief Executive, Community Enterprise in Strathclyde,UK
Shogo TAKEGAWA, Prof., Tokyo University, Japan
October 15 (Wed) Hokkaido University, Centennial Hall,
Large conference room
9:30-12:30 Session úL:
Competitiveness, Welfare-State and Labor Markets in Open Economies
Chair: Ken ENDO, Prof., Hokkaido University, Japan
Presentations: Fritz W. SCHARPF, Prof., Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany
"Competitiveness, Welfare State and Labor Markets in Open Economies"
Torsten SVENSSON, Prof., Uppsala University, Sweden
"Globalisation, Marketization and Power - the Swedish case of Institutional Change"
Takafumi UZUHASHI, Prof. Japan Womenfs University, Japan
"Japanese Model of Welfare State: How it was changed throughout gthe lost decadeh of the 1990fs?"
Discussants: Masami NOMURA, Prof., Tohoku University, Japan
Donald SASSOON, Prof., London University, UK
12F30-14F00 Lunch Break
14F00-17F00 Session IV:
The Future of Civil Society and Social Governance
Chair: Thomas MEYER, Prof., Dortmund University, Germany
Presentations: Marilyn TAYLOR, Prof., West of England University, UK
"Occupying new spaces? Governance and the UK third sector"
Yohanan STRYJANAProf., Soedertoern University, Sweden
"The Third Sector in Social Democracy : the Swedish case"
Alistair GRIMES, Chief Executive, Community Enterprise in Strathclyde,UK
Discussant: Minoru TSUBOGO, Prof., Waseda University, Japan
