Welcome to IPSA RC-3 !

This is the official website of International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee 3 (RC-3) on European Unification (IPSA RC-3). The IPSA RC-3 studies the European Union and its Member States and the European integration process. IPSA RC-3 is a professional academic organisation which has students and scholars of almost all countries of the world as its members.

The Presidency of IPSA RC-3 is currently held by Ken Endo, Department of Politics, Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, who has succeeded Amy Verdun since last July 2006.

Anyone can become a member of the RC-3 by indicating so when renewing your annual or three-year IPSA membership.

The IPSA RC-3 has three aims:

1) It promotes exchange of research findings and dissemination amongst its members and beyond;

2) It aims to facilitate exchange and provides a venue for networking for students and scholars;

3) Finally, it aims at promoting a research project in the three years between the large conferences and prepares sessions in the triennial conference.

The mandate of an IPSA RC is to hold one main activity during the three year interval between the IPSA Congresses. Such a meeting was last organsed in Beijing, May 2005.

Subsequently, on 9-13 July 2006 in Fukuoka, Japan, the IPSA held its 20th World Congress. As part of this Congress, the IPSA RC-3 put together three panels comprised of approximately five papers each. In keeping with the Congress theme gIs Democracy Working?h, and in order to develop panels which are both interesting and coherent, the IPSA RC-3 encouraged paper proposals that dealt with issues of democracy as they pertained to Europe, Asia and in particular constitutional change. Paper proposals that examined Europe-Asia relations, those that had a wider global perspective, as well as those on other aspects of European integration were also presented. For a full program of three panels, click here.

The 21st IPSA World Congress is held at Santiago, Chile, on 12-16 July 2009.
The programme related to RC3 can be found at the tentative program (pp. 109-110) of the Congress website:

For more information about our activities or membership of RC-3 please contact:

Professor Ken Endo, D.Phil. (Oxon.)
Chair of IPSA RC-3
Hokkaido University
School of Law and Politics, Graduate School of Public Policy
Kita-9 Nishi-7, Kita-ku, 060-0809 Japan.
Tel/fax: 81 11 706 3796

Board Members
Call for Paper (Santiago 2009)
Ken Endo's Homepage
English | Japanese