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Date: |
October 5 (Tue), 2004 [9:30〜17:00 ]
October 6 (Wed), 2004 [9:30〜13:00 ] |
Place: |
Clark Memorial Student Center, Hokkaido University
(N-8,W-8: a 8-minute walk from JR Sapporo Station) map |
Coordinator: |
Dr. Hiko Tamashiro, Department of Medical Science, Hokkaido University. |
Co-Organizers: |
(1) 21st Century COE Program for Zoonosis Control (Leader: Prof. Hiroshi Kida),
(2) Grant-in-Aid Creative Scientific Research by Ministry of Education (MEXT): Comparative Research Concerning the Transformation of Governance in the Age of Globalization (Prof. Jiro Yamaguchi),
(3) New Research Initiatives in Humanities and Social Sciences, Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences: Reconfiguring Knowledge in the Age of Global Governance (Prof. Ken Endo)
Hokkaido University |
October 5, 2004 from 10:00 to 12:40
Epidemiology and Control of Zoonotic Diseases of Global Public Health Importance
1. “Global Epidemiology and Control of SARS: WHO Perspective”
Dr. Hitoshi OSHITANI, WHO Regional Office, Manila, Philippines |
2. “Control of SARS in Singapore”
Dr. Kwai Peng CHAN, Singapore General Hospital |
3. “Control of Avian Influenza: A New Perspective”
Dr. Hiroshi KIDA, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
October 5, 2004 from 14:00 to 17:00
Advocacy, Promotion and Management in Public Health
4. “Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: An Opportunity to Apply the Concepts of Nidality and One-Medicine”
Dr. John R HERBOLD, University of Texas, San Antonio, U S A |
5. “Disease Ecology: Toward Understanding Emerging Zoonotic Pathogens”
Dr. Bruce A WILCOX, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, U S A |
6. “Advocacy, Promotion and e-Learning: Supercourse of Zoonosis”
Dr. Hiko TAMASHIRO, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
October 6, 2004 from 9:30 to 13:00
Global Governance of Zoonotic Diseases
(Opening Statements & Chair: Prof. Ken Endo, Hokkaido University, Japan)
7. “WHO Policy for Control of SARS”
Dr. Hitoshi OSHITANI, WHO Regional Office, Manila, Philippines |
8. “Globalization and Emerging Governance Modalities”
Dr. Deane NEUBAUER, University of Hawaii, Manoa, U S A
(Comments: Prof. Hideaki Shiroyama, University of Tokyo, Japan) |
9. “BSE Crisis in Japan”
Mr. Tatsuhiro KAMISATO, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Tokyo, Japan |
10. “Risk Management and the Precautionary Principle Related to Public Health Risks in the EU”
Dr. Michael D ROGERS, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
(Comments: Prof. H. Hirakawa, Kyoto Women's College, Japan) |
Secretariat: |
Dr. Hiko Tamashiro
Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
Tel: 011-706-5051 / E-mail: tamashiro@med.hokudai.ac.jp |
Contact (on the Oct. 6 sessions)
Dr Ken Endo
Department of Politics School of Law Hokkaido University
Tel/Fax: 81 11 706 3796 / E-mail: endo@juris.hokudai.ac.jp |