本ワークショップの第二の目的は、このような近代アジア史における疫病の経験を、現代的課題への取り組みと結びつけるところにある。地球レベルでインフルエンザやHIV/AIDSといった人獣共通感染症の脅威がいっそう強まっているが、国境を越えた対応が今日ほど求められる時代はないと言える。第三日目は、グローバル・ガバナンスに焦点を合わせつつ、歴史研究者と現代的課題に取り組む実践的研究者との対話を目指している。 |
日時: |
2005年12月9日(金)、10日(土)、11日(日) |
場所: |
連絡先:〒543-0001 大阪市天王寺区上本町8丁目2番6号
主催: |
日本学術振興会科学研究費・基盤研究B「近現代アジアにおける『健康』の社会経済史−疾病、開発、医療・公衆衛生」(代表者:脇村孝平) |
共催: |
日本学術振興会人文社会科学振興プロジェクト「『帝国とネットワーク−アジア広域経済秩序』の解明」(代表者:籠谷直人) |
後援: |
日本学術振興会科学研究費・基盤研究A「日本植民地期の帝国大学の科学技術史的観点からの研究」(代表者:塚原東吾) |
使用言語: |
英語 |
なお会場の容量の関係で、第一日と第二日に限って、参加を希望される方は、事前に上記の脇村までご連絡くださるようお願いします。第三日目は、大きな会場を予定していますので、その必要はありません。 |
First Day: 9th December 2005 (Semi-Closed)
Introduction 9:00-9:30
Chair: Wataru Iijima(Aoyamagakuin University, Japan)
Kohei Wakimura (Osaka City University, Japan),
‘Globalization and Epidemic Diseases in Modern Asia: Trade, Labor Movement and Quarantine,
1870s-1920s’ |
Session1:The Globalization and Epidemic Diseases (1) 9:30-12:00
Chair: Wataru Iijima
Mark Harrison(Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford, UK),
‘International Sanitary Conference’
Park Yunjae(Yonsei University, Korea),
‘The Role of Sanitary Police in Anti-Cholera Measures in Korea, 1890s-1920s’
Togo Tukahara,(Kobe University, Japan),
‘Epidemic Disease in the Time of Transition: Ogata Koan and Newly Introduced Western Medicine’
Comment: Yuka Motoda (University of Tokyo, Japan) |
Lunch 12:00-13:30 |
Session2:The Globalization and Epidemic Diseases (2) 13:30-16:00
Chair: Akihito Suzuki(Keio University, Japan)
Robert Perrins(Acadia University, Canada),
‘The International Aspects of the Manchurian Plague Outbreak of 1910-1911’
Shigeru Kobayashi(Osaka University, Japan),
‘Strategies to Cope with Smallpox in Early Modern Marginal Societies in East Asia ‘
Makoto Ueda(Rikkyo University, Japan),
‘Ecology, Trade and Diseases in Yunnan’
Comment: David Arnold |
Tea Break 16:00-16:30 |
Session 3: The Environment and Epidemic Diseases (1) 16:30-18:10
Chair: Shigeru Kobayashi
Akihito Suzuki,
‘Morbidity, Risk and Culture in Tokyo in 1938: Analysis of Takinogawa Health Survey’
Wataru Iijima,
‘Farewell to the God of Plague: Anti-Schistosomiasis Campaign in China’
Comment: Shi-yung Liu |
Reception 18:30-20:30 |
Second Day: 10th December 2005 (Semi-Closed)
Excursion to Tekijuku 9:30-12:00 |
Lunch 12:00-13:30 |
Session 4: The Environment and Epidemic Diseases (2) 13:30-16:00
Chair: Robert Perrins
V.R. Muraleedharan(Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India),
‘Anti-Malarial Policies in the Madras Presidency during 1860s-early 1900s’
Shi-yung Liu(Academia Sinica, Taiwan),
‘Environmental Utilization and Epidemic Changes: a Case Study of Malaria and Filariae Infections
in Taiwan’
Yawen Ku
Comment: K.T. Silva |
Tea Break 16:00-16:30 |
Session 5: The Environment and Epidemic Diseases (3) 16:30-18:10
Chair: Makoto Ueda
Akihisa Setoguchi(Osaka City University, Japan),
‘From Medical Zoology to Sanitary Entomology: The Development of Tropical Medicine in Japan’
Ki Che Leung(Academia Sinica, Taiwan),
‘Chinese Leper and the Modern World’
Comment: V.R. Muraleedharan |
Third Day: 11th December 2005 (Open)
Introduction 9:30-10:10
Chair: Ken Endo(Hokkaido University, Japan)
Taro Yamamoto(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese Government) |
Session 6: Exploring Governance of Communicable Diseases: Past, Present and Future (1) 10:10-12:40
Chair: Ken Endo
David Arnold (SOAS, University of London, UK),
‘Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, 1908-1938: A Case Study in Regional Conflict
and Cooperation’
Kalinga Tudor Silva(University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka),
‘Community Responses to Epidemics and Natural Disasters: a Comparative Study of 1934-35
Malaria Epidemic and 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka’
Tatsuya Mima(Kyoto University, Japan),
‘Cordon Sanitaire; Between Man and Animal?’
Comment: Hideaki Shiroyama (University of Tokyo, Japan)
& Harumi Goto-Shibata (Chiba University, Japan) |
Lunch 12:40-14:20 |
Session 7: Exploring Governance of Communicable Diseases: Past, Present and Future (2) 14:20-18:00 (Tea Break included)
Chair: Ken Endo
Sanjay Basu(Yale University, USA),
‘Reflection on the Politics of HIV activism and care’
Tatsuo Hayashi(Representative of Asia Africa Forum, Japan),
‘HIV/AIDS: A NGO’s View’ (tentative)
Deane Neubauer(University of Hawaii, USA),
‘Global Governance of HIV-AIDS’ (tentative)
Comment: Yuka Motoda & Mark Harrison |
Farewell Party 18:30-20:30 |