講義・演習(2020年度) ※公式なものは北大シラバスでご確認ください。※休講情報はこちら

※ オフィスアワーは【2学期】毎週金曜日 15~16時(事前にメールで申し込んでください)。
北大 オンライン授業導入ガイド(Guide for Online Lectures at Hokudai)北大SSOシステム

1.法学部「行政学」(2学期:火2・金3) ※ 文学部「政治学(行政学)」と合併

●キーワード Key Words

●授業の目標 Course Objectives

●到達目標 Course Goals
(1) 行政(学)の基礎と全体像を、その過去・現在・未来、制度・組織・活動の観点から、理論的・実践的に理解し捉えることができる。
(2) 現代日本の行政の特質を、歴史的な観点や国際比較の観点から捉えることができる。
(3) 現代行政の課題とその解決の方向性について、主体的かつ現実的に考えることができる。

●授業計画 Course Schedule

=>詳細は初回ガイダンス音声にて。質問は yuichim(at)juris.hokudai.ac.jp にて受け付けます。






 序 章 はじめに
  (1) 行政(学)とは何か
  (2) 行政分析の方法・枠組み
  (3) 行政(学)の歴史
 第1章 制度論
  (1) 政府の仕組み
  (2) 政府間関係-国際・国内
  (3) 立法・司法等との関係
 第2章 組織論
  (1) 官僚制論・公務員制度
  (2) 行政組織・管理論
  (3) 行政改革
 第3章 活動論
  (1) 政策過程
  (2) 行政と社会の相互作用
  (3) 行政の統制と責任
 終 章 おわりに
  (1) 本講義のまとめ
  (2) 行政(学)の展望
  (3) その他


●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

●講義指定図書 Reading List
行政学[新版] / 西尾勝 : 有斐閣, 2001, ISBN:4641049777
現代の行政[新版] / 森田朗 : 第一法規, 2017, ISBN:9784474057197

●参照ホームページ Websites


[English Version]

●Key Words
・Bureaucracy, governmental system, organisation, activities, public policy

●Course Objectives
(1) To investigate the structure and functions of modern government and public administration (PA) from viewpoints of decision making, organisational management, and policy analysis, focusing on various institutions in the governmental system, administrative bureaucracy, and policy implementation mechanisms.
(2) To analyse theoretical and practical issues emerging during each policy life stage, such as agenda setting, policy designing, decision making, implementation, and assessment, and to identify factors that determine each policy’s output and outcomes.

●Course Goals
(1) To help students grasp the background and overview of PA (science) – based on its past, present, and future – from the perspectives of the governmental system, organisation, and activities.
(2) To construct a historical and comparative framework and thereby identify the characteristics of modern government and public administration with the purpose of relativising it.
(3) Students should obtain the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to work by themselves on problems and find feasible solutions.

●Course Schedule

★This lecture will be offered on the Internet because of this coronavirus pandemic. Students of English speakers are asked to email me, the instructor ( yuichim(at)juris.hokudai.ac.jp ), for further information (added on 2020/09/11).


PA science, which takes a theoretical and systematic approach to the structure and functions of modern government, consists of three factors:

(1) the governmental system, which places governmental organisations and personnel after they are delegated by the public and that forms the structural proposition for governmental activities;
(2) the governmental organisation, which acts for policy implementation; and
(3) governmental activities, which work with the public in some way.

My lectures discuss the past, present, and the future of PA (science) systematically from the above-mentioned viewpoints. The contents are planned as follows:

  Section 1. What is PA (Science)?
  Section 2. Methods and Frameworks for PA Analysis
  Section 3. History of PA (Science)
 Chapter 1. Governmental System
  Section 1. The Governmental System’s Structure
  Section 2. Inter-Governmental Relations
  Section 3. Relations with Parliament and Courts
 Chapter 2. Governmental Organisation
  Section 1. Bureaucracy and the Personnel System
  Section 2. Organisational Theory and Management
  Section 3. Administrative Reform
 Chapter 3. Governmental Activities
  Section 1. Policy Process: Life Stages
  Section 2. Interactions between Government and Society
  Section 3. Government Control and Responsibility
 Final Chapter
  Section 1. Wrap Up
  Section 2. Prospect for the Future: Beyond Governance
  Section 3. Appendix for End-of-Term Exam

I aim to provide a meaningful lecture, even for those students who major in law. This lecture can be provided in the first and second halves of the semester.

(1) Students are required to attend every class and take notes so that they may come to grasp the background and overview of PA. A reading list will be offered for their preparation and review prior to my lectures.
(2) The end-of-term exam questions whether students (a) understood my lectures, (b) are interested in PA and the related phenomena, and (c) have deepened their thinking based on the knowledge they obtained about PA theory and practice.
(3) An individual project and report on my lectures are appreciated, and they can be additionally graded.

●Grading System
(1) Grading will be based on the end-of-term examination (100%).
(2) An approximate grading system is as follows:
  [C]–[C+]: 60% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B–]–[B]: 70% of the points above have been achieved.
  [B+]–[A–]: 80% of the points above have been achieved.
  [A]–[A+]: 90% of the points above have been achieved.

My lectures will be conducted based on my outline paper, which is handed out at the beginning of every class and within which the contents of various textbooks are reflected. A reference and reading list will be offered in class.

●Reading List
Nishio, M. (2001). Public Administration. Yuhikaku. ISBN:4641049777
Morita, A. (2017). Modern Public Administration. Daiichihoki. ISBN:9784474057197
These are just examples of the references. Other references and a reading list will be offered in class.
