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※ 北大 オンライン授業導入ガイド(Guide for Online Lectures at Hokudai)、北大SSOシステム
※ 技術政策学、行政学、演習Ⅰ、政治学入門、科学技術政策特論、演習Ⅱ、行政学特殊演習
Kan Yasuda Sculpture Museum – Arte Piazza Bibai (Nov. 2024)
The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel (Nov. 2024)
●キーワード Key Words
●授業の目標 Course Objectives
●到達目標 Course Goals
(1) 様々な観点から書かれた行政学の研究論文を読み、検討すべき論点を抽出し、ディスカッションをすることができる。
(2) 先行研究の内容や方法を参考にしつつ、独自の行政学の調査・研究に取り組むことができる。
(3) 自分の調査・研究の成果を論文にまとめ、表現することができる。
●授業計画 Course Schedule
(1) 本演習では、まず、様々な観点から書かれた行政学や政治学に関する文献を輪読する。演習では、前半で担当者が文献の要旨や参考文献との関係等について説明した上で論点を提示し、後半でそれに関して受講者全員でディスカッションをする。
(2) その上で、受講者が、文献の内容を参考にしつつ独自の行政学研究に取り組む。研究の内容は、担当した文献の内容に関する発展的考察でも、関連する研究論文の論評でも、関係する行政現象の事例研究でも、基本的には受講者の自由な発想に任せたい。担当教員からは、テーマの設定や関連する文献の提案、研究の方向付け等、可能な限りのサポートをしたい。
(3) 最終的には各自の研究の成果をA4紙5枚程度の論文にまとめ、期限内に提出することを求める。本演習を通して、行政学の知見のみならず、自ら課題を発見してディスカッションし、自ら研究しその成果を表現する能力を会得できよう。
●準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework
●成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System
●テキスト・教科書 Textbooks
●講義指定図書 Reading List
・基礎からわかる 論文の書き方 / 小熊 英二 : 講談社, 2022, ISBN:4065280869
●参照ホームページ Websites
●研究室ホームページ Website of Laboratory
●備 考
・やむを得ず出席できない回がある場合は、必ず事前に申し出ること(連絡先:yuichim (at) juris.hokudai.ac.jp)。
[English Version]
●Key Words
・Bureaucracy, governmental system, organization, activities, public policy
●Course Objectives
・To locate and analyze recent notable studies in public administration and public policy, engage in critical discussions during class sessions, and subsequently embark on individual research projects aligned with these topics.
●Course Goals
(1) To engage in the comprehensive reading of contemporary studies in public administration and public policy, identifying both theoretical frameworks and practical challenges for critical examination within the classroom setting.
(2) To conduct an independent research endeavor, drawing upon the findings and methodologies of prior research studies as reference points for analysis and exploration.
(3) To compose a thesis based on the outcomes derived from the research project, and subsequently deliver a class presentation aimed at enhancing its quality through constructive feedback and discussion.
●Course Schedule
(1) Participants will begin by familiarizing themselves with recent books and peer-reviewed papers on public administration and public policy, with recommendations provided by the professor on the first day of class. During the initial half of each session, a designated coordinator or participant will present a summary of the assigned text and introduce relevant literature. The latter half of the session will be dedicated to critical and productive discussions led by the coordinator, focusing on theoretical and practical issues raised in the text.
(2) Participants will then transition to working on their individual research projects. They are encouraged to explore various themes, including further investigation of discussed texts, comprehensive literature reviews, or theoretical analyses of real-world cases and phenomena. The professor will offer extensive support in agenda-setting, identifying related literature, determining research direction, and other necessary aspects to facilitate project development.
(3) In the final stage of the course, participants will be tasked with writing a concise thesis based on the outcomes of their research projects, which must be submitted to the professor by the specified deadline. This exercise aims to solidify participants' foundational understanding of public administration and public policy, as well as to cultivate their ability to identify significant theoretical issues, conduct thorough investigations, and effectively present their findings to others.
・Participants are required to complete the following tasks:
(1) Summarize the assigned text and prepare discussion agendas to be presented in class.
(2) Actively engage in each class discussion, contributing insights and perspectives.
(3) Conduct research for their individual projects and develop a concise thesis based on their findings.
・Accompanying preparations and reviews are essential to ensure the quality and depth of participation in class discussions and the successful completion of research projects.
●Grading System
(1) Grading will be determined by the following criteria: (a) Discussion coordination: 30%, (b) Class participation: 40%, (c) Writing assignment: 30%
(2) The approximate grading scale is outlined as follows:
[C]–[C+]: Students demonstrate understanding of the current state of the lectured public administration (science).
[B–]–[B]: Students are capable of explaining current public administration (science) within the framework presented in the lectures.
[B+]–[A–]: Students exhibit proficiency in assessing and analyzing the lectured public administration (science).
[A]–[A+]: Students demonstrate exceptional performance in the aforementioned tasks.
・References and a reading list will be offered in class.
●Reading List
・基礎からわかる 論文の書き方 / 小熊 英二 : 講談社, 2022, ISBN:4065280869
・Texts (written mainly in Japanese) are to be recommended by the professor on the first day of class.
●Reference Websites
●Website of Laboratory
●Additional Information
(1) The course will utilize ELMS to disseminate relevant materials and resources to the class. Please ensure regular access to ELMS for updates and supplementary materials.
(2) In the event of an absence from class, students are required to inform the professor in advance via email at yuichim (at) juris.hokudai.ac.jp.
(3) Students are advised to remain vigilant for short notices, as this course may transition to online delivery in response to unforeseen circumstances.
Kobe Port Island (Nov. 2024)
Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum (Nov. 2024)
Donan Bus at Tomakomai (Oct. 2024)
Onomichi Ferry (Sep. 2024)
Hokkaido Air System ATR42-600 (Sep. 2024)